e 4353 USA: Retail:
I want 12" x 12" Volga Blue granite tiles for my kitchen
floors. Oct 7
Offer 3: we are located in
Anaheim, California. We have your request in stock.We could deliver you the
material one day after your order.Below is the price quote.(Materials will be
delivered to your location.No transportation or delivery costs will apply.
Samples will be sent upon request).
12x12 Volga Blue granite tile $9.90
offer 2: We can supply but need complete info
- quantity and sizes
- delivery location and phone no.
- prefer to
buy locally or import? any preferred countries?
- stone details - country,
trade name or description, image, is it in FindStone's Stone Album?
- status
of project, expected purchase date, & decision criteria for purchase e.g.
- application - where would it be used? or your company profile if you
are buying to stock it
If you have prices, tell us what they
offer 1: Select from www.findstone.com/tosell.htm
and www.findstone.com/pricelists.htm
and www.findstone.com/readystock.htm
and www.findstone.com/matph.htm
Dear buyer, please put your response (to each of the above offers)
below the respective offer in blue ink and email it to us.