e 4157 Netherlands: I want Elazig cherry, Black Pearl, Rosa Levanto, Afyon, Cremo Sugar
Sept 16, Contact
Offer 5: We have marble and travertine collection to offer to you anytime you need in Turkiye - Istanbul.  We can  also send you a picture pattern  samples  if you are interested. We also have a depot in CA
Offer 4: We are the producer and exporter of marble in Turkey. Please send us more information about your demand (size,quantity etc
Offer 3: Our Company İs The Exporter/ Producer Of Red Marble And We Would Like To Make Our Company And İts Procuct Known To You. İf YouAre İnterested.  We Wiil Be Happy To Send You Any Further İnformation. WE May Be Available İn The Near Feature  To Discuss The Subject With You As Well.
offer 2: We can supply but need complete info i.e.
- quantity and sizes
- delivery location and phone no.
- prefer to buy locally or import? any preferred countries?
- stone details - country, trade name or description, image, is it in FindStone's Stone Album?
- status of project, expected purchase date, & decision criteria for purchase e.g. price?
- application - where would it be used? or your company profile if you are buying to stock it
If you have prices, tell us what they are.
offer 1: Select from www.findstone.com/tosell.htm and  www.findstone.com/pricelists.htm and www.findstone.com/readystock.htm and www.findstone.com/matph.htm
Dear buyer, please put your response (to each of the above offers) below the respective offer in blue ink and email it to us. FindStone