e 2982 USA: Retail:
I want 3 pieces of Royal Auburn granite from the USA. 1 piece 36.
in x 38 in. (or 1 square meter would be ok), 1 piece 12 in. x 38 in ( or 12 in.
x 1 meter), 1 piece 1in. x 23.25 inches. I am in Walnut Creek, California. May
15. Contact
Depending upon price delivered to me, the whole slab is OK - please advise the price and email a picture of
the color - what is the width and length and thickness of the slab?
Offer 2: Just curious if the material that you are requesting needs to be in the dimensions you gave or can you use the whole slab? I do have "Red Granite" Slabs in
stock. We are located in CA, USA.
Offer 1: Select from www.findstone.com/saleoffers.htm
and www.findstone.com/pricelists.htm
and www.findstone.com/readystock.htm
and www.findstone.com/matph.htm