e 2891 USA: I am looking for a small amount of Texas fossiliferous limestone in the form of sealed tile (accent) or edging for a bathroom remodel. May 2. Contact
    Thanks for the reply.  I apologize for the small amount that I need.  We are remodeling a bathroom and I was thinking it might be nice to have a back splash or some accent tiles made out of the Texas Limestone that I grew up with in central Texas.
1. Since it would be in a wet environment, how is it sealed?
2. What is the cost for, 6" square pieces, 4" squares?
3. Can you attach a picture to help convince my wife!
4. Where are you located? Thanks. May 6
John,     I appreciate your reply regarding cost,  and frankness with regard to problems with regard to using in a wet surroundings.  I'll save your reply and find a use in the future. Bob May 9.
offer 1: The fossil stone you refer to is known as Texas shell stone.  It is indeed a beautifull stone, but it does because of it's very nature present some difficulty in sealing and water proofing. This can be accomplished by coating the back side of the stone with a elastimer type coating.  However, since many of the voids created by the shells penetrate the stone a half inch or more, in a thin tile application, some voids may penetrate completely through the stone allowing the backing material to show through.  I do not want to discourage you from doing what you want, but I do want you to be aware of potential problems that would distract from the desired results.  The thinnest that I can get this material sawed is on the order of 5/8 to 3/4 inch.  The cost for a small quantity would be $11.00 / square foot (FOB) in either a 4x4 or 6x6 tile. Attached pictures are of a recently completed job utilizing a mix of shell and creme stone.  Your wife should be able to get a feel for the material from them.  I am in Tx and about 5 miles from the quarry where this stone comes from.  Please let me know your decision.
Thank you,  John