e 2839 Korea: We are interested in limestone from
We checked on your web page. So we'd like to get best price, delivery, samples
for Azul Cascais and Red PF Antique urgently. Please refer to the below
Required item: Azul Cascais, Red P F Antique (limestone from Portugal)
Qty: about 260 M2
Size: Slab (not confirmed) after getting samples, we will inform you about
details inquiry. Application: commercial building.
Required sample: 2 EA per each type with 300 x 300 size. April 26. Contact
Offer 2: We have the quarry of Azul Cascais. We supply tiles and slabs. We will
gladly forward samples that you need. Could you please forward a photo of Red
Antique. I am not aware of this name!. Please give us your address.
Offer 1: We don't deal with Azul Cascais, but with a very similar
limestone, from our quarries, in Portugal, called Blue AL.
Should you be interested, we can give you prices and samples.