e 2737 USA: We are stone fabricators,
suppliers and installers in New York (US). We are looking for quarry of
sandstone from Germany called "Weserhartsandsteine". We need
approximately 3000 sq.ft. in blocks with 12" to 24" thickness with a smooth
finish. This project has been approved and starts in July. Decision criteria: a
sample to be approved by client. Need all the necessary info including price
range. The sizes of blocks for this job is approximately 12"
to 24" thick and has to be grinded into detailed shape. For further negotiations
we need to have a sample to show our client. The color of this material is
brown. If there are any variations please provide different samples.
April 12. Contact
offer 4: We are quarriers and fabricators
of German sandstone and would be interested in further detail. We would be
pleased to supply a sample but would also like to know about the "detailed
offer 3: we are a german factory with own
quarries and a fabrication on basaltlava stone and tuff. We are searching a
dealer for us market to present us exclusively. In europe many architect awards
the last years have been won with basaltlava stone.
offer 2: concerning Weserhartsandstein it
is not a problem - either the quantity or the quality. The colour (reddish
brown) and quality are standard since centuries. Exact prices can be giver
only after exact specification of block dimensions. Price ranges between
1.200 and 1.700 Euro per ton. For samples please give adress. We will send
some slabs about 10x10cm by airmail. If you need bigger ones, please
tell us asap. Germany
offer 1: The river Weser is floating through the town of Bremen,
where we are located. The “Weserhartsandstein” is of course very well known
here. Please
contact us if you like to work in this project with
us. Thank
you very much.