e 2693 USA: I am looking for a supplier in Mexico for the yellow red stone that looks like a limestone, also the yellow cantera. I am looking for 12x12, 16x16 or 18x18 tiles, I will be traveling to Mexico the end of April, if I know where the plant is I might be close enough to make a trip. Where does this stone originate in Mexico? What are it's physical properties?  April 3. Contact
offer 3: Our company is one of the largest manufacturers of Adoquin/Cantera stone in Mexico. We produce tiles, sills, columns, FP mantels, etc. Prices are subject to variation depending on column style, diameter, color selection and finished desired.
offer 2: We are a group in Egypt and the main exporter for marble and grantie. We offer our yellow series marble as in www.findstone.com/countries/egypt.htm
offer 1: Can you please specify if you are looking for slabs or tiles (define sizes) and required volume. We are a Mexican firm who can supply this type of product to you.