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Supplier sp1379-sk

Slogan: stone carving  production

         Material Type: Marble, Granite, Travertine, Basalt, Slate, Sandstone

         Stone Names:  

         Product / Services List: tiles, kitchen counters, wash basins, fireplaces, steps, columns, window sills, etc.

         Checklist of choices available:


         Regular Stock: 400 sqm in different materials

         Stock-in-hand now: 

         Product Images:

         Images of  Applications:

         Images of stones: 


         Country: Slovak Republic

         State: Slovak Republic

         Nearest City: Banská Bystrica      

         Business Type:  Quarry; Factory; Fabricator;

 Machinery Manufacturer / Dealer;

 Consumable Manufacturer / Supplier;

 Representative / Sales Agent;

 Inspection / Buying Agent; Exporter;

 Importer; Distributor; Retailer;

 Supplier with fixing;

 Contractor / installer; Sculptor; Consultant

         Type of Company: Private Limited

         Company Size: 20 employers        

         Facilities & Capabilities: bridge saw, calibrated saws, hand tools, abrasives, etc        

         History & Background:  has been established in 1992 as a company  and in the late 2004 has been renamed. Since its beggining we have been dealing with the atypic stone production, as well as own project realisation.        

         Project References:

         Product Quality & Guarantee:

         Message to Readers: We are unique in our atypical production, with our advisory service and also with our full service regarding to mounting, etc.

         Info you need: tiles calibrated and non calibrated, beveled, unbeveled, price quotation on inquiry, tiles with splited face, bushammered, etc.

         Which way do you want to work: Buyer to contact us

www.findstone.com info@findstone.com