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Pricelist 801  granite slabs   India    www.findstone.com     pricelists@findstone.com

 November 14, 2002

Indian paradiso have  two types
1- Bas paradiaso - mostly liked by German.
2- Chendarqpalli paradiso - light & dark

Tile size 10mm thick approximate weight 1.5 11.75kg per sqfeet
1*1 feet 10 tiles in thermocol boxes
2*1 feet 16 tiles in thermocol boxes
16"*16"     6 tiles in thermocol boxes

7200 sft in 20ton container
Rate fob Indian port 5.5$ to 6.25$

Galaxy black rate fob 7.0$ to 7.25$
gansaw cut 20mm thick approximate weight 4 to 4.5 kg

Maximum size 10" length & 5 to 5.75 feet berth available
10 slabs in wooden carts
2600 to 2700 sft in 20to container
Rate 9$ to 10$ fob
Letter of credit payment on presentation no credit
You can inspect the material and mark it before packing

For useful data such as Metric Conversions, Quantity per Container, Explanation of Terms, etc., see Commercial Trade Information and Terms

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