283 Monuments China
We offer here a
way to calculate the prices for our monument to you so
that you can calculate yourself.
a. Black (Silver Star Black), Red (Beautiful Red).
design monuments: USD2500/m3.
Complicated monuments: USD3000/m3.
b. Peony black, Pineapple Red and Red Jewel:
Simple design monuments: USD1500/m3.
Complicated monuments: USD1800/m3.
c. Golden Yellow (Golden Marfil) and pink:
Simple design monuments: USD1000/m3.
Complicated monuments: USD1200/m3.
For example: Size: 20” (510mm) x 8” (203mm) x 24” (610mm)
= 0.069m3
Material: Silver Star Black: 0.069xUSD2500/m2 = USD127.50/pc.