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Pricelist 1185 granite tiles China  www.findstone.com    pricelists@findstone.com

FOB Xiamen Surface treatment: plane polished
Item Spec Price Picture
G682 12x12x3/8''(305x305x10mm) USD15.5/m2

12x12x7/9''(305x305x20mm) USD16.0/m2
12x12x1 1/4'' (305x305x30mm) USD19.5/m2
G628 12x12x3/8''(305x305x10mm) USD19.0/m2
12x12x7/9''(305x305x20mm) USD19.5/m2
12x12x1 1/4'' (305x305x30mm) USD25.0/m2
G696 12x12x3/8''(305x305x10mm) USD14.5/m2
12x12x7/9''(305x305x20mm) USD18.0/m2
12x12x1 1/4'' (305x305x30mm) USD20.5/m2
G603 12x12x3/8''(305x305x10mm) USD10.5/m2
12x12x7/9''(305x305x20mm) USD11.8/m2
12x12x1 1/4'' (305x305x30mm) USD14.0/m2
G663 12x12x3/8''(305x305x10mm) USD16.0/m2
12x12x7/9''(305x305x20mm) USD17.5/m2
12x12x1 1/4'' (305x305x30mm) USD20.0/m2
G641 12x12x3/8''(305x305x10mm) USD14.5/m2
12x12x7/9''(305x305x20mm) USD18.0/m2
12x12x1 1/4'' (305x305x30mm) USD20.0/m2
G608 12x12x3/8''(305x305x10mm) USD16.0/m2
12x12x7/9''(305x305x20mm) USD19.0/m2
12x12x1 1/4'' (305x305x30mm) USD21.0/m2
G681 12x12x3/8''(305x305x10mm) USD14.5/m2
12x12x7/9''(305x305x20mm) USD18.5/m2
12x12x1 1/4'' (305x305x30mm) USD20.5/m2
G684 12x12x3/8''(305x305x10mm) USD19.8/m2
12x12x7/9''(305x305x20mm) USD21.0/m2
12x12x1 1/4'' (305x305x30mm) USD29.2/m2
G656 12x12x3/8''(305x305x10mm) USD14.5/m2
12x12x7/9''(305x305x20mm) USD18.0/m2
12x12x1 1/4'' (305x305x30mm) USD20.5/m2
G633 12x12x3/8''(305x305x10mm) USD13.6/m2
12x12x7/9''(305x305x20mm) USD14.5/m2
12x12x1 1/4'' (305x305x30mm) USD16.0/m2
G562 12x12x3/8''(305x305x10mm) USD21.0/m2
12x12x7/9''(305x305x20mm) USD25.0/m2
12x12x1 1/4'' (305x305x30mm) USD26.5/m2
G657 12x12x3/8''(305x305x10mm) USD14.5/m2
12x12x7/9''(305x305x20mm) USD18.0/m2
12x12x1 1/4'' (305x305x30mm) USD20.5/m2
G623 12x12x3/8''(305x305x10mm) USD10.5/m2
12x12x7/9''(305x305x20mm) USD11.8/m2
12x12x1 1/4'' (305x305x30mm) USD14.0/m2
G635 12x12x3/8''(305x305x10mm) USD12.5/m2
12x12x7/9''(305x305x20mm) USD13.6/m2
12x12x1 1/4'' (305x305x30mm) USD16.0/m2
G690 12x12x3/8''(305x305x10mm) USD27.0/m2
12x12x7/9''(305x305x20mm) USD32.5/m2
12x12x1 1/4'' (305x305x30mm) USD38.0/m2
G636 12x12x3/8''(305x305x10mm) USD11.5/m2
12x12x7/9''(305x305x20mm) USD13.0/m2
12x12x1 1/4'' (305x305x30mm) USD14.5/m2
G701 12x12x3/8''(305x305x10mm) USD32.00/m2  
12x12x7/9''(305x305x20mm) USD52.00/m2
12x12x1 1/4'' (305x305x30mm) USD58.00/m2

For useful data such as Metric Conversions, Quantity per Container, Explanation of Terms, etc.,  see Commercial Trade Information and Terms

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