30000+ companies
in the stone industry worldwide are members of FindStone.
It is up to you to take advantage of this reach. We have transparent systems.
We are a virtual marketplace. We do not trade.
Buyers can have their inquiry posted free of cost but they can also be
more pro-active by paying or giving a deposit.
Sellers can display their profiles free and can buy contacts and deal
directly with buyers.
We get emails daily where buyers think that their inquiry is so exciting
that a supplier will pay to contact them. Similarly, we get numerous emails
daily of suppliers who think that their offer will be irresistible to
buyers who will pay to contact them. While an inquiry or offer may really
be very good, nevertheless people proceed very cautiously in the absensce
of personal contact. So our experience shows that those who take the initiative
get the best deal. We request you to read the paragraphs below in an objective
Suppliers often want to test FindStone but we leave it to buyers and sellers
to go through our website which is nearly 5 years old and to judge and
decide for themselves whether to risk $ 100 - $ 200 or not. We do not
have the time, interest or ability to convince any one more. We are open
to suggestions and periodically do change our policies to incorporate
these suggestions. But we do it for all.
Suppliers often try to tempt us. "We are big so if this deal goes
through, you will then see a lot of activity from our side" is the
common email. Our above point is valid for this. What is interesting for
us is to receive an offer where a supplier is interested in putting in
time, effort and money, and makes a serious business proposal on that
Suppliers often ask for trust. "We are honest and you should trust
us" is what these types of emails state. Actually the only thing
this means is "We don't trust findstone but findstone should trust
us." So this is actually adding insult to injury. We are a publicly
visible site with standard systems. There is no reason not to trust us.
On the other hand, we do not have the ability or energy to evaluate suppliers.
We have thought through the level of risk we are prepared to take and
have incorporated that in our standard system of dealing.
Suppliers often act tough. "We are well-known and this is how we
work with our agents worldwide" is the style of some suppliers. We
are not agents, we don't see ourselves as agents or brokers, we don't
act as agents act. We are a neutral marketplace. So frankly we don't care
how great you are. On the other hand, if you want to deal with a lot of
inquiries on the site and want to discuss a way to do so while reducing
your financial risk, we are open to discussing that.
Buyers often think that we will make a lot of efforts for them. We simply
post the enquiry. How buyers can remove the barriers between them and
our member suppliers is upto them as explained in the 'How to Buy' link
on the home page.
So basically our point is instead of trying to get us to change and take
a decision, it is far better for you to evaluate our site and take your
decisions accordingly. Basically, it's a marketing and procurement cost
decision that you need to take. And the amount involved is so trivial
We work on the presumption that buyers and sellers are mature and can
take their own decisions about what works best for them. We do not presume
to be wiser than them and hence we do not chase them to change their minds.
We give our full support to all users of our site and we look forward
to your being one of our esteemed users.
Do feel free to email or call. Our contact details are in the 'Contact
Us' tab bar on the home page.