6210 Hong Kong: Blocks: We want Green & Pink Onyx blocks. Our estimated capacity of these Onyx is about ten containers each month. If you are supplying this material in good quality and achieve our requirements, please contact us and send us some pictures of your existing Green
and Pink Onyx blocks in your stockyards through email.
Our requirements of Green & Pink Onyx Blocks:
1. Size at least above 1.5m X 1.2m X 0.30m
2. Little brown vein acceptable, certainly no brown vein preferable
3. No crack preferable.
We need Green onyx without veins. We have been buying green onyx from Iran and Pakistan. See a couple pictures
of onyx that we just bought from Pakistan. The green onyx is "Afghan green onyx" that we require. We use the onyx for producing table tops. That's why we need very clear materials. If you have Pakistan very good quality green onyx. Please send me some pictures again.
Our fax no. (852) 25......Feb 26, Contact
USD 200