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zero Risk, zero Trouble, Assured Success for Buyers and Suppliers
The FindStone system works through a free dialog leading to a buyer-seller contact:
1.      Buyer's inquiries are displayed free - generally at www.findstone.com/tiall.htm
2.      Suppliers responses are sent to the buyer.
3.      Buyer's reply is sent to the suppliers.
4.      This continues until the buyer is relatively sure that suppliers are offering what he wants.
5.      Buyer pays us US $ 100 confirming his interest in one or more suppliers.
6.      Suppliers pays us $ 100 to contact the buyer.
7.      We put the buyer and the supplier in contact with each other.
8.      If buyer does not buy from a particular supplier, that supplier gets back $ 80.
9.      If buyer does not buy from any supplier, buyer gets back $ 80 that buyer made to us.
10.  If buyer buys from any supplier, buyer deducts the $ 100 paid to us from the payment that the buyer makes to the supplier.
So there is no risk for either the buyer or the supplier. Also buyers and suppliers do not waste each other's time.
Sellers: Do note that $ 100 will not be refunded if:
a)      you can not offer what the buyer wants
b)      if you are not willing to match price and terms of buyer’s final supplier
So we recommend that suppliers should do the following before sending $ 100 to us.
a)      If the inquiry is incomplete, ask specific questions that are needed to quote and / or give suggestions to the buyer including images.
b)      Send a quotation with stone image and all points as per a pro-forma invoice for buyer’s approval
We are a neutral marketplace i.e. we will not negotiate on behalf of any supplier.
Buyers: Do note that your money will not be refunded if:
a)      supplier matches offer (price, quality, terms) and you do not buy from the supplier
b)      you do not buy from anyone – even from non-FindStone suppliers
We recommend that buyers see the Price Lists and Ready Stock and Sale Offers sections to save negotiation time, and phrase their inquiry in a properly-worded manner as explained there, and email us an image if it is not in our Stone Album.
Some buyers misuse our free dialog facility by getting prices, information, and samples, only to squeeze their current supplier, and do not have an intention to buy. Thus many suppliers are also reluctant to take the initiative. So show your seriousness to buy by becoming a Preferred Buyer by giving a $ 100 deposit at the outset itself.
This is the general scheme. We are willing to discuss with individual buyers if they would like to work on a different basis.
Payment options are at www.findstone.com/payment.htm which also has a Pay Pal link and through www.westernunion.com .
Do note that modifications, if any, would be at www.findstone.com/buyerfaqs.htm